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Blackpool 2006 Critique

One of my favourite breeds to judge with their gently and accommodating ways. I am sorry the order of judging was rather misleading - when I looked at the d paper, I did wonder how I was going to manage being in two rings at the same time! But Deerhounds and exhibitors waited patiently for their turn and I felt there was a v good atmosphere around the ring. It was a good entry and I thoroughly enjoyed my task. A couple looked a bit ‘wolfhoundy’ to me. There were some splayed and flat feet, a few ringed tails and some rather large ears but by and large quality was good. I find it difficult to look at Deerhounds without thinking of Miss Noble, Miss Cox and my all time favourite, Miss Hartley and also the time when I was fortunate enough to judge one set at the prestigious Club Show, and the whole amazing weekend where these old ladies partied until the early hours!

MPD (2). 1 Blackford and Morrisey’s Lord Seafield Of Hartvalley. 9 mnths today, well grown p, good length of head, excellent bone, legs and feet, presented a v nice silhouette both standing and moving, certainly carried himself with that quiet dignity, unique to this breed and took it all v seriously, well handled; 2 Taylor’s Lyart Yes Minister. Just 6 mnths with lovely dark eyes, rather overawed by the occasion. Good coat texture, movement not really possible to assess as he just didn’t want to do anything in a co-ordinated way.

JD (7). 1 Peach’s Gentom Oliver Twist To Kilbourne. 17 mnths tall good looking Deerhound that caught my eye as he entered the ring. Standing a little flat on his feet today but impressed with outline and movement, good coat, body and quarters, v well conditioned and handled as were all from this kennel; 3 Spencer’s Gentom Orlando Of Talgavar. Litter brother to 1st, excellent type, shaggy coat, good depth of body and bone. Not going as well behind as his brother. Both sired by Kilbourne Nimrod, my 2nd in OD, as was 3; 3 Cannon and Wickstead’s Kilbourne Osbourne.

GD (7). 1 Pink’s Greyhawks Romanie Rom. 2.5 yrs, comfortable winner here, I thought, good outline, clean neck and shoulders, good coat, I like his head and expression, well proportioned with good topline, moved and showed steadily; 2 Coull’s Stainlonan Rikki Of Regaflight. 22 mnths, could have been handled to better advantage, bit of a fidget standing and standing as if flat footed, good reach of neck, deep chest, moved, quite well; 3 Smart’s Greystiel Morar.

PGD (10). 1 Pink’s G R Rom; 2 Smart’s Greystiel Loch Ashie. Litter brother to 3rd in GD, I would prefer darker eyes but beyond that he is a shapely d with good outline, body and bone, willing mover, showed steadily, good neck line, fit and well muscled; 3 Coull’s S R O Regalflight.

LD (7). 1 Peach’s Greyflax Myth To Kilbourne. 2 yrs quality youngster, with great appeal, in excellent coat, form and condition, masculine head, good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, deep chest, well balanced, good length of stride. Handled to best advantage; 2 Bond’s Regalflight Sligo. 2 yrs, v laid back and relaxed about it all, bit lazy on the move but the humid weather did not help. Attractive head, good depth of body; 3 Attfield’s Tartraven Gairsay At Bulka.

OD (8). 1 Finnett and Harrington’s Ch Hyndsight Wind Of Change. 4 yrs, impressive outline, well proportioned, typical head and expression, made a v good silhouette, held his topline when moving, dignified showman, well muscled, quarters sound, excellent cot; 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Nimrod. 3 yrs masculine head but I preferred type of 1st and also bone, in splendid coat and condition, could have been a wee bit more animated on the move; 3 Francis and Blatchford’s Wickwar Worcester Of Peopleton.

MPB (4). 1 Rafferty’s Tartraven Kayholm At Reiversreach. Did everything she could not to win this class, pulling on the lead and making her handler fall over. Much more mature at 8.5 mnths than the others in this class, good size and type, pleasing head, deep chest, just needs to learn what it’s all about; 2 Taylor’s Lyart Yea Verily. Litter sister to 2nd in MPD and much more sensible and settled than her brother, excellent coat, feminine head, lovely eyes, good body and rib cage, but uncoordinated on the move; 3 Parsons and McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Shira.

JB (5). 1 Peach’s Pinglehol Ruby To Kilbourne. 12 mnths, another by Nimrod, v shapely and lovely, excellent type, cleanest of outlines, everything as it should be at this age, quality head, correct coat, v fit, good reach of neck, decent stride on the move, excellent potential; 2 Rhode’s Gentom Ovation. 15 mnths, good head and expression, messed about on the move and had a tendency to pace but went well when she got into her rhythm, well handled, good feet. Litter sister to JD winner, good outline; 3 Gow’s Anmialchu Beinn An Cabar.

GB (9). 1 Parsons and McKinnon’s Claonaiglen Orrin. 18 mnths quality head, clean outline, well placed shoulders, moved well up, down and around the ring and well deserved to head this class; 2 Lowe’s Readwald Cleopatra. 23 mnths, good type, feet could be better, in hard lean condition, clean outline, moved well when she chose not to pace; 3 Blackford and Help’s Beardswood Minna.

PGB (8). 1 Bailey’s Greyflax A Kind Of Magic JW. 2 yrs litter sister to RCC d, strongly made, young b with excellent body and condition, good length of head, kind soft expression, clean neckline, well laid shoulders, good bone, v fluent on the move, well handled and coated; 2 Cannon and Wickstead’s Kilbourne Macbeth. 2 yrs and eyes could be darker, good outline and overall proportions, shaggy coat, firm body, handler made the move of her assets, moved ok; 3 Shannon’s Lealla Is Fearr.

LB (7). 1 Bailey’s Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Half sister to PGB winner and one day older! Lovely head and expression, v good outline, body and proportions, excellent coat, free mover with good length of stride, dignified showgirl, handled to best advantage. I liked her v much indeed; 2 Shannon’s Lealla Joka. 3.5 yrs, willing showgirl and mover, wanting to please, feminine head and outlook in hard condition, deep chest, well handled; 3 Milton’s Pendrethan Morvah.

OB (9). Good class to end the day. 1 CC and BOB, Finnett and Heathcote’s Ch Hyndsight Au Fait. 5 yrs, superb type, had that long easy stride that set her apart from the rest. Full of quality, lovely strong reachy neck, well laid shoulders, shapely body, well fitting jacket. Quality head, expressive eyes, well muscled broad hindquarters, never took a wrong step F1 her whole performance was totally effortless and relaxed. I was highly delighted to see her win a particularly strong hound group under Michael Quinney. Then to tope it all she went BIS on Sunday evening under Keith Nathan, a great win for the breed; 2 Bailey’s Greyflax Guinevere. 3.5 yrs, classy b of good type, pleasing head, well proportioned with well arched loins, rugged looking but with that touch of elegance, deep chest, well handled and conditioned; 3 McDonald, Martyn and Hindley’s Rosslyn Mystique.

Mrs C E Cartledge


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